RT9 CASE | Maersk Guardian

Maersk Guardian


Due to a longer stay on the drilling rig, the customer wanted obstruction lights at the top of all 3 legs of the rig. We hauled all installations, lamps and fittings as well as rescue ropes and tools etc. to the top of each leg, which extends 120 meters above the surface of the water. It was not possible to approach the task in a different way without compromising safety.



The task took place in 2015.

Industrial climbing is a safe working method for working at height. The task here demonstrates that rope access can be used for many types of tasks with a completely safe output.

Contact us and hear more about which industrial climbing solutions we can offer you!

At RT9, we are specialists in solutions for mounting and maintenance tasks such as the installation of electrical installations in hard-to-reach areas. Safety, time management and quality assurance are always at the center, and all tasks are always solved in close contact with customers and business partners.